Thursday, December 18, 2014

Spiked Eggnog

I hope you all are having a happy holiday season.

This time of year is amazingly stressful for me.  Not only do I have a big family, a lot of cards, overseas packages and numerous get togethers to plan, but my job requires me to work ahead for the holiday break.  The last two weeks I have had four 13 plus hour work days, and then I have to take care of holiday stuff.  I am exhausted.

But I'm also happy, and managing this a lot better than when I was drinking.  Last year, this was the day I fell off the wagon for the first time.  I had done so well to get from November 13th to December 18th, but the wheels came off and I spent the next week and a half really drunk.

What's funny is how the recovered drunks will tell you to never think you can ever return to drinking.  You give it up for awhile and you start to think, "well I was out of control, but now I'm back.  I can have a drink to unwind, or a beer this weekend, and I'll be just fine."  HAHAHAHA.  Actually, you have that first drink after being sober for awhile and within a very short period of time, you're back to drinking at the heaviest levels you were before you gave it up.  There is no going back, for if you do, you begin where you left off, and for most who have to give up drinking, that's a really bad place.

Last year I kind of ruined Christmas for my kids.  I'll not ever forgive myself for that one.

On the positive side, with alcohol gone, I'm able to handle the stress of the holidays much better.  It's funny, you have a drink to unwind and as you ramp up, the drinking is a major contributor to the stress.  It's only when you stop drinking do you realize how stressed out your life had become.

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