Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Positive and Negative Re-enforcement

I think physically fit people are amazing.  The ones where you see the tremendous effort they make, damn impressive.  If you're 35 and older and you're in better shape than most 18 year olds, you've earned the right to brag and flaunt, but be careful when it comes to passing judgement to others.

I have not told too many people about my decision to cut alcohol from my life, partially because of some of the initial reactions I heard when I did tell some (more on that later).  Like a lot of people who quit, I picked up some food and drink habits which are very unusual for me.  I used to drink only black coffee, but now I drink it with cream and a shot of carmel syrup.  I drink a lot more Diet Coke than I used to and I'm eating more sweets.  I was never a sweets guy.  Sure, I had cake and pie on special occasions, but outside of Halloween and Easter with the kids, candy and junk food were not something I partook in too often.

Since giving up alcohol, it's like my cravings started on a search for something new to offset the liquor.  Entenmann's Devils Food cake chocolate covered donuts are my current taste bud paramour, but I feel there might be something better I just can't put my finger/tongue on.  My wife has been a great support.  So far I haven't put too many pounds on (partially because I lost a ton when I gave up the empty calories of alcohol, but now I have returned to the gym with a vengeance...I am sore), but when I saw my eating habits had changed, I got concerned I was going to pack on the weight.  My wife told me not to worry about it.  "I don't care how you look.  I am so proud you have quit drinking.  You'll always look great to me."  Positive support helps.

Which brings me back to my über healthy friends.  Yes, I know Diet Coke is not the healthiest thing I can drink.  Yes, I know going with a herbal tea instead of a sundae disguised as a coffee is better for me.  Yes, I know snack foods and candy are bad.  I really do know this, and I appreciate the concern for my health, but a can of Diet Coke, a coffee with cream and sugar, and a Reese's peanut butter cup are far better for me than 10 shots of whiskey.  If you're being critical of my dietary choices, I know first and foremost your trying to help.  But maybe you should ask yourself, after the fourth or fifth time you've criticized my soda, whether the soda is my healthier option.

I appreciate the advice, but do me a favor, ask yourself what might be the reason why I'm ignoring it.

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