Saturday, February 3, 2024

10 Years

Today,  I am ten years sober. 

It really was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.  I don't miss it.  I don't miss the draining of my wallet.  I don't miss the feeling of being hungover constantly.  I don't miss watching it physically hurt me.  I don't miss sheepishly apologizing for wildly inappropriate behavior the next day.  I don't miss the weight gain.  I don't miss being a drunk.

I still miss the friend I thought I had.

My first counselor told me two lists to remember as I started this journey.

The first is to create a foundation by making sure the following things are in your life:

  • 1) Some kind of physical activity
  • 2) Some relationship with whatever higher power you follow, or regular quiet personal meditation if you don't have a higher power you follow.
  • 3) A counselor to talk with
The second list was just as simple:
  • Love yourself.
  • Love others.
  • Have others love you.
The liquor industry spends a lot of money trying to make you convinced you HAVE TO drink to have fun.  You don't.  That's a lie and the fun I have now is far more rewarding and memorable than the fun I had before.

Get help if you need it, but don't feel like you have to drink anymore if you don't want to.  My stopping saved my life on many levels.

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