Friday, February 3, 2023

Nine Lives

Today is my 9th year of being sober.  

Nine years ago today I put down the bottle and outside of the occasional communion, I have not had any alcohol since. I'm hoping to keep it that way.

To prove to myself how far I've come, I got tested (HARD) in December.  Driving home I was hit by a drunk driver, and not just any kind of drunk driver, but a guy who was almost 4 times the legal limit.  He broke my back, totaled my car, and left me angry and frustrated.  It's not clear if he has auto insurance, but it seems unlikely at this point.

At no point did I ever think of picking up a bottle and taking a drink.  Not once, and it was freaking DARK for a while.  I managed to get through December, even having a bit of a George Bailey moment or two, and I'm still recovering, albeit without booze.

My life is so much better sober.  It really is.  When you're younger, the idea of quitting is terrifying for some as their entire social experience is arranged around drinking.  The reality is you never realize how much of a drag alcohol is on your body and mind until you're away from it for a few months.  I'll never forget what it was like to start clearly thinking again.  I'll never forget what it felt like to start having vivid dreams again.

Love yourself, love others and have other people around who love you.

Lean in hard to counselors, exercise, and embrace whatever spirituality you do or don't desire.

Here's to heading for 10.

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