Monday, October 27, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Heard While Doing Yard Work

Well, I do my best to understand, dear
But you still mystify and I want to know why
I pick myself up off the ground
To have you knock me back down again and again
And when I ask you to explain you say

You gotta be
Cruel to be kind in the right measure
Cruel to be kind it’s a very good sign
Cruel to be kind means that I love you
Baby, you gotta be cruel to be kind

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Darest Thou Now, O Soul Walt Whitman


Darest thou now, O Soul, 
Walk out with me toward the Unknown Region, 
Where neither ground is for the feet, nor any path to follow?                


No map, there, nor guide,
Nor voice sounding, nor touch of human hand, 
Nor face with blooming flesh, nor lips, nor eyes, are in that land.                


I know it not, O Soul; 
Nor dost thou--all is a blank before us; 
All waits, undream'd of, in that region--that inaccessible land.                


Till, when the ties loosen,
All but the ties eternal, Time and Space, 
Nor darkness, gravitation, sense, nor any bounds, bound us.                


Then we burst forth--we float, 
In Time and Space, O Soul--prepared for them; 
Equal, equipt at last--(O joy! O fruit of all!) them to fulfill, O Soul. 

Natural Graffitti

Sunday, October 12, 2014


A dear friend of mine just lost her brother.  It was unexpected.  It was sudden.  He was 35.  She is devastated.

There is nothing I can say to her, or anyone, in this situation.  This was completely unexpected.  Relatively healthy man in his prime says he isn't feeling well and then he is gone.  It's not like watching someone pass away who was 98, or someone who had had a long drawn out fight with a serious illness slowly slip away.  All you can do is let them know you are there if they need you.

All my prayers, thoughts and love for you and your family, M.

Tree At My Window, by Robert Frost

Tree at my window, window tree,
My sash is lowered when night comes on;
But let there never be curtain drawn
Between you and me.
Vague dream-head lifted out of the ground,
And thing next most diffuse to cloud,
Not all your light tongues talking aloud
Could be profound.
But tree, I have seen you taken and tossed,
And if you have seen me when I slept,
You have seen me when I was taken and swept
And all but lost.
That day she put our heads together,
Fate had her imagination about her,
Your head so much concerned with outer,
Mine with inner, weather.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Ocean is on Fire

The water laps quietly, repetitive
The ocean is on fire
The sun setting on the horizon
Reddish orange creeping below
The flat and the clouds
Igniting the reflective landscape
Transforming it; undulating
Pushing, pulling, glistening, sparkling
Wave after wave
Stoping continuance until
The last word is written
You yearn for the sunset again
To be encased in the warm burn again

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


The shortest day of the year is not the coldest.  The worst of the cold trails, eventually getting dragged past as the days start to brighten up.

October 26th...