Monday, December 2, 2013


I walked out the backdoor of my apartment building
The old ancient small town movie theater
Long abandon
Recently reclaimed and renovated
Sunday, my one day off
I tried the local churches
But with small town gospel, fire and brimstone overpowered the message
My interface with God became a weekly walk into the countryside
Appreciating the world given to me.
I turn east
It was sunny but cold
More early April, not early June
I grew up by lakes and water
Things Iowa is not known for
There was a small creek with a walking path a mile away
I started down the subtle downhill
The late Spring flower’s scent
Heavy and held to the ground by cold dampness
Going past fields where early crops are beginning to burst from the soil
The promise of a fall harvest
Past the county fair grounds
In need of upkeep before the mid-summer festivities.
My downhill becomes steeper
I look ahead to the trees
There was a heavy fog right at the tree line, holding firm to the shade
Beyond, the creek and its cliff face, carved out of sandstone.
I had walked this path before
I crossed the line
Into the woods, into the fog
Three steps in, I could barely see ahead of me
And the sunshine behind became a dulled glow
The path turned to the right ahead
Taking you to a stairway and bridge to get across the creek
The east side bank was only a few feet above the water
The west side was a straight drop of at least fifty
I missed the turn in the fog
It was my left foot
There was no ground, only air
I was falling, twisting
Grabbing for anything
I saw the fog below, hiding what’s beneath
Cold, water, rock, pain
My right hand
Sweeping in a final attempt to stop my fate
Caught a small tree on the precipice
My left reached for a handhold
I was dangling
The overhang jutted out from firm land
The nearest foothold was five feet away, useless
Most of the glorified sapling’s roots were exposed underneath
I could feel it moving
It wasn’t ready for this kind of weight
It was going to lose
Panicking, my hands started to sweat
I took a few seconds
Breathe, three times
My only choice was to throw my leg over my head and pull myself up.
My current grip would not make that possible
I pulled myself up just enough
Got my right arm around the tree
It groaned and I heard a snap
Then a second and a third
I stopped
Expecting the tree, ledge and myself to be airborne any second.
I wasn’t breathing
The longer I waited hoping the tree would not give way
The more likely the tree would give way.
I threw my left leg up to the cliff’s edge.
I missed.
Swinging my legs slightly
I built momentum
I threw the leg up and my heel stuck
I worked the rest of my leg over the edge
Using muscles rarely troubled,
My foot, calf, inner thigh, the ones running up my right side
I pulled myself up
I could feel the lip of earth moving
I hurriedly rolled up off the ledge watching
As the entire hang over fell from view
As it broke off a foot in front of me
Disappearing into the fog
Loud splash and harsh rock sounds followed
I sat
The fog started to lift
I was exhausted and trembling
I heard a rustling in the leaves
Turning, a beautiful doe
Was 20 feet away, watching me
She seemed curious
I did not move, just watched
She lost interest, foraged for a few bites and then walked away.
I got up and began my walk home
I have never felt closer to God.

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October 26th...