Thursday, August 5, 2010


So I was driving in town and had an SUV pull over and nearly run me and my family into oncoming traffic. To his credit, the driver clearly was sorry, but that didn't stop my heart from beating really fast. What got me over the near death experience was the vanity license plate on the back of his car - "PRO LIFE."

Well I saw the irony of this and made a post on Facebook thinking it was actually kind of comical. I end up having this friend of mine rip into me. She felt I was taking a cheap shot at pro-lifers and insinuated that I probably would be offended if she said God bless. Now this friend is a far right conservative who proudly told media at her kids school she was glad they didn't show Obama's welcome back to school speech as "she didn't trust him with her kids." I mentioned she was suggesting the President of the United States was nothing more than, at best, a creepy uncle, and at worst, a pedophile. She said he doesn't deserve my respect. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see what was really forming her opinions.

The best part of this was that she thought that since I leaned left in my political thinking, that A) I am pro abortion and B) I hate God. I actually, personally, am against abortion unless it is needed to save the life of the mother, rape or incest. It's a personal decision, as it should be for everyone. Everyone should make their own choice on this, as I have. I understand both sides of this argument and would never condemn a person who disagreed with me. I also go to church pretty much every week. Me and my family sit in the front row off to the side. I don't hate God because I'm a lefty, rather, I am a lefty because of my belief in God.

I pointed this out to my friend. I've not heard anything back. If you make presumptions about people don't expect to be right most of the time.


  1. Wow. Just goes to show how little she knows you. Lighten up people....Jesus.

  2. You know, reflecting on this a bit,

    1)I don't know anyone, even my friends who are ardently pro choice who would ever claim to be pro abortion.

    2)I also don't know anyone who is not a member of the pro life movement who is anti-life.

    3)I know plenty of pro choice people who love and believe in God.

    4) I know plenty of pro life people who claim to believe in God but their actions don't reflect the loving God who graces my life.

    No point to this, just an observation.


October 26th...