Saturday, May 17, 2014

And his Dang Jello Pudding Pops too!

Regardless of what you think of Bill Cosby, the comedy bits he did in the 80's and early 90's on parenting were so spot on.  Of course I am referring to a child's tendency, after they screw up and you point it out to them, to answer your question of why they did it with "I don't know."

Tonight we went to the local ballpark to watch some baseball.  Because my son was playing in a traveling team baseball tourney until 7, he was dropped off and joined us late.  My oldest daughter and I went down to greet him at the main entrance.  On the way to our seats, we stopped by and got dinner, which for him included a 2 pound, 16 inch hot dog covered in ketchup.  We went back to our seats, and I gave him his hot dog, fries and drink.  In the :30 seconds it took for me to turn to my daughter, giver her her food, and organize myself so I could enjoy my food, I turn to my son and see him coated with ketchup.  Both thighs of his baseball pants were covered, his hands were covered and  his face was covered.  I asked where were the napkins I told him to grab and he produces one napkin. That's all he grabbed, one napkin for the three of us.  I then ask why would he put so much ketchup on his hot dog and then proceed to eat it so messily.  Cosby!

After my son's Heinz bath, about an inning later, I noticed it was getting late in the game.  I mentioned maybe we should skip ice cream since we just ate and the game would soon be over.  My son insisted we get some because he was still hungry.  My daughter then spoke up insisting she get some too.  She is a light eater, finishing only half of her dinner, but that's normal.  Usually if she says she is hungry, I take her word for it.  I go get helmet sundaes for both of them, grabbing numerous napkins before returning to the seats.  The kids proceeded to eagerly eat the sundaes.  My son scoured the inside of the mini helmet clean while my daughter ate half and insisted she was done.  As the game ended an inning later, my daughter insisted we go to the bathroom immediately.  In the concourse on the way to the restrooms, she threw up.  She apparently threw up twice more in the bathroom.  I asked if she was coming down with an illness, and she bluntly said, "no I was full after dinner and I probably shouldn't have had any ice cream."  I then asked why she would ask for ice cream if she was full?  Cosby!!!

It's refreshing to know I am not the first, last or only parent to have to deal with this.  Thanks Bill.

October 26th...